Reaching higher.
Executive leadership.

Taking an executive role is an exciting journey. The preparation will be essential to take on a new position.
To be more prepared for the challenge, we work with you with an accelerator program of 6-months so you can reach an upper level and an executive role.

Before each session, we provide a 1-page questionnaire
that will serve as a starting point for our session and make commitments afterward to do the work.

This accelerator program does not train how to run a successful business or the specifics of your role. 

The executive accelerator.

6-month program.

  • I will provide two tests to complete. Before working together, I will better understand your strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and critical areas to work with. I will need these to be completed 24 hours before our session.

  • In our session, we will work on a system that works for you and how to remove distractions, energy vampires, and set productivity schedules.

  • We will uncover what aspects trigger you, what makes you fearful, what upsets you, how you react under pressure, and how to become more aware of your emotions and manage these before acting.

  • We will explore other life aspects where confidence has been tempered—addressing past experiences and healing them to remove blocks. We will come up with a plan on how to be aware of your strengths and capabilities that lead to being a confident person.

  • We will set a plan so you can honor your wellness, time off, time for restoring, to process information, meditation and self-awareness for growth.

  • We will have a session on which habits you will need to drop, which to strengthen and which to adopt. Our entire life is a result of our habits.

  • What you believe is what you will create. We will take a deep dive on your belief systems and how we can modify them for a leader role. You will be surprised how our beliefs changed in our path.

  • This is real and we need to find our own way to master it. Overcoming this syndrome is very personal so we will work on the best way that will help you overcome this.

  • When you join the team you will introduce yourself, share why you are the right person, not because it was given to you, but because you can do this.

  • How to manage expectations with people and deal with uncomfortable conversations. Show the best of yourself to people and bring out the best in them so they too perform better.

  • Employment unfairness is real at work and mainly requires emotional intelligence support. We don't talk about this, but sometimes management has personal issues with some employees. They are triggered by personal issues they can't admit and bring their dark side. Often management avoids these self-confrontations and, without realizing it, may act unfairly. In this session, we help management take an intro-perspective, confront the roots and the challenge, and as a result, make the manager an exceptional leader.

  • Now that we are facing daily tasks, we will work on ongoing support and create systems that will require others to be more organized as well.

  • There will be moments when people will trigger weak spots, or create uncomfortable situations. In this session we will work on how to recognize when it happens, how to retrieve to make wiser decisions and how to act more appropriately as a leader.

  • Knowing which they are to stay true to yourself early on and how to recognize when people try to cross them. How to protect yourself, separate your personal life, and draw the lines from the start. So you can hold your space as a leader.

  • Women have to speak louder to be heard, and young women often struggle to be taken seriously. In this session we will work on how to honor your power so you can be in charge of your decisions and avoid power struggle.

  • Confidence comes with experience. Your new role will force you to face this challenge. We will address strategies so you can become more confident now that you are

  • As a CEO you will be put in constant situations where uncomfortable conversations will need to happen. We will work on strategies to address problems assertively but in an elegant manner.

  • Making decisions will be part of the everyday job, and is probably the most energy draining. This is why top leaders reserve most of their time and energy to be able to make decisions. As a CEO all the decisions will come to you, so we will work on strategies to facilitate these.

  • High performance is about being smart and using our energy most assertively. We will work on structures so you can perform better during the time at work so you can have balance and be able to take care of yourself.

  • Time is the biggest commodity. I will provide a strategy for understanding a project/situation faster, how to organize your thoughts, set these expectations before a meeting, prevent draining meetings that are inefficient, and add more action items in the end.

  • Nothing moves the pieces faster than an inspired team. We will work on a session on how you can keep your people motivated and engaged.

  • Creating a new leader personal branding assessment. We will pitch a personal brand concept, branding positioning, tone of voice, and leading style that you can use for your marketing.

In the end, the world will know you are different, and you have achieved the personality transformation of a true leader. 

You will take yourself and your team to a higher level. 


We understand some decisions and investment is a crucial steps in your life. We prefer a conversation to address your goals, answer questions, and share the other offerings that will support your goals and create the transformation you seek.